Ibrahim Albluwi

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Princess Sumaya University for Technology

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Courses Taught at Princess Sumaya University (2013 — 2016 and 2020 —)
Courses Taught at Princeton University (2016 — 2020)
Teaching Material

Most of the material I have developed can be found on the data structures course page and the algorithms course page. Do let me know if you want to use these slides and/or if you need the .pages or .ppt version.

The following are notes, exams and exercises I developed for other courses.

Miscellaneous Topics on Algorithms

CS1 Exams (in C)

Object Oriented Programming & Other Topics

Teaching Philosophy

I have learned a lot from reading the teaching statements of others and so will include mine here. Following the lead of Amy Ko, I am including the different teaching statements I wrote over time.

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