Ibrahim Albluwi

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Princess Sumaya University for Technology

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Courses Taught at Princess Sumaya University (2013 — 2016 and 2020 —)
Courses Taught at Princeton University (2016 — 2020)
Teaching Material

The slides below include all the animation steps. Therefore, viewing them by scrolling in the browser is not ideal. It is better to download the slides and move through the slides using the arrow keys. Do let me know if you want to use these slides and/or if you need the .pages or .ppt version.

Algorithm and Running Time Analysis

Searching Sorting and Selection

Data Structures

Dynamic Programming (pseudocode)


Teaching Philosophy

I have learned a lot from reading the teaching statements of others and so will include mine here. Following the lead of Amy Ko, I am including the different teaching statements I wrote over time.

Last modified: . Site design adapted from Danqi Chen