Ibrahim Albluwi
Ibrahim Albluwi

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Princess Sumaya University for Technology

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I am an associate professor of Computer Science at Princess Sumaya University for Technology (Amman, Jordan). My research interests are in the field of computer science education. I am mainly interested in improving our understanding of how to best teach and assess programming, algorithms, data structures and problem solving.

Interested in research collaboration?

I am open to discussing opportunities for replicating CSEd studies, extending on-going studies with data from my institution, organizing an ITiCSE working group or working on new CSEd studies from scratch. Feel free to send me an email.

I am also interested in getting in touch with CSEd researchers in the MENA region, even without collaborating on a research project. The field is still very young in the region and It would be helpful if we could, at least, know each other.

Looking for an advisor?

I am always excited to advise undergraduate senior projects related to CS education. Before contacting me, please check this page and this FAQ .

I am also interested in advising M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, but only in the field of computer science education. Shoot me an email if the field interests you and you are a graduate student looking for an advisor.

Looking for tips on growing as a CS educator?

Check out this article.

Do let me know if you think this article can be improved in any way or if there are other similar articles that are worth pointing out.

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